Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

4 more episode uploaded

Season 5, Episode 5 : The Krusty Sponge

Season 5, Episode 5 : Squid Wood

Season 5, Episode 6 : New Digs

Season 5, Episode 6 : Krabs a la Mode

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Season 5, Episode 6 : Krabs a la Mode

Plankton attempts to adjust the Krusty Krab thermostat in order to freeze Mr. Krabs out of business. He successfully freezes the Krusty Krab, in which Mr. Krabs uses as an advantage to increase business, and then Plankton adjusts the thermostat again and again until he fell, Krabs froze Plankton and made the Krusty Krab more like a pool, that has food.


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Season 5, Episode 6 : New Digs

After he is late for work by one minute, SpongeBob is worried that it'll happen again, so he decides to move into the Krusty Krab. At first, Squidward completely enjoys the fact that SpongeBob's no longer living next to him, but Mr. Krabs is concerned when SpongeBob is taking up too much space in his office and, worse of all, scaring away his customers.


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Season 5, Episode 5 : Squid Wood

SpongeBob constantly annoys Squidward (as usual) when he wants to play a game. When Squidward shouts angrily at SpongeBob he will never play with him, SpongeBob makes a toy Squidward instead. Squidward is happy at first that SpongeBob won't bother him, but the toy Squidward starts to impress people with talents far greater than the original Squidward's. Eventually he takes Squidward's job (then his own house and possessions), dances for the Krusty Krab and is paid $1,000,000 for a dancing act. Squidward is furious and starts to attack Mini-Squidward. Then a man shows up. He takes Mini-Squidward and Mini-Squidward had took Squidward's dream. Then before the episode ends, Spongebob makes a mini Spongebob, which iretates Squidward even more.


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Season 5, Episode 5 : The Krusty Sponge

Mr. Krabs makes The Krusty Krab SpongeBob-themed as a result of a review by television food critic Gene Scallop. As a result of using yellow patties ("Spongey Patties") this poisoned the customers and Krabs was arrested. He was found guilty, but he offered Judge Horace A. Whopper to use the Krusty Krab train in return for Mr. Krabs staying out of jail.


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Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

New Episode Upload

Season 5, Episode 1 : Rise and Shine

Season 5, Episode 1 : Waiting

Season 5, Episode 1 : Sing a Song of Patrick

Season 5, Episode 2 : Born To Be Wild

Season 5, Episode 2 : Best Frenemies

Season 5, Episode 3 : Friend or Foe

Season 5, Episode 4 : Spy Buddies

Season 5, Episode 4 : Boat Smarts

Season 5, Episode 4 : Good Ol' Whatshisname


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Season 5, Episode 4 : Good Ol' Whatshisname

Mr. Krabs puts SpongeBob against Squidward in a work contest, promising the winner a fabulous prize a tropical vacation ,where they have to name all the customers in the Krusty Krab. But fabulous is relative, coming from cheapskate Krabs. Suddenly SpongeBob knows every ones name Squidward is wondering how he knows everyone's name he actually has a book with everybody's name Squidward then swipes the book and says the names in the book.He told Mr. Krabs that he has more points than SpongeBob Mr. Krabs didnt tally the scores but him and SpongeBob and in a sudden death to know one customers name Squidward then gets SpongeBob out of the way and ask the fish his name and he responds"Whats is to ya" after three attempts to find out his name he snatched his wallet then it attracted a cop eating a doughnut he then makes it on top of a roof and after a tug-of-war for the wallet Squidward manages to get his license which the name reads" Mr.What Zit Tooya" he then is arrested he gets the prize from Mr. Krabs And it turns out Squidward went to far because the prize is a brochure which has a Ad for the trip Squidward belives he is safe from SpongeBob and Patrick and it turns out Patrick is in jail he offers to play Parcheesi which Squidward gets sad then fall apart since he hates Patrick.

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Season 5, Episode 4 : Boat Smarts

Mrs. Puff explains the difference between a driver with boat smarts (Squidward) and a driver without boat smarts.SpongeBob

The episode starts with a card displaying: Boat Smarts With Mrs. Puff, then the narrator displays another card saying: C.O.B.B.U.T.K.S.B.S.P.O.T.R.A.O.O.B.A.T. (Citizens of Bikini Bottom United to Keep SpongeBob SquarePants Off the Road and out of Boats All Together) Then the tape goes to Mrs. Puff who is sitting on her desk introducing herself to the video. She discusses the good and bad drivers. Squidward is the one with Boat Smarts, but SpongeBob is the one without it.

A driver with boat smarts fills his/her tire up to the appropriate level while a driver without boat smarts pays no attention to how much air he/she is using. Squidward fills it up enough. Yet Spongebob fills it up to much, making the wheel tip over, crushing half of Squidward's boat and having the wheel pop right in front of his face.

After that, it shows another card saying: Buckling Up. This shows Squidward in a boat mobile holding the wheel. The camera zooms in closer and it shows Squidward with his seatbelt in the proper manner. He then starts driving until he sees a Bikini Bottom Traffic lights and he stops. Once Squidward stops, we see SpongeBob crazily speeding around a corner with no regard for safety and possibly with no seatbelt on. he hits Squidward who goes flying into a steamroller. He gets severely hurt. A driver with boat smarts uses a seatbelt to avoid serious injury, unlike one without boat smarts.

The next card displays: Adjusting Mirrors. it shows Squidward adjusting his mirrors before he begins to start the boat mobile. Squidward starts the boat and begins to drive. SpongeBob though he adjusts his mirror dangerously while driving with one leg. He hits many fish, although he does not know because he is focusing on the mirror. He then swerves in front of Squidward and Squidward yells at SpongeBob. SpongeBob adjusts the other mirror and hits Squidward with a beam of light and he is blinded until he puts on sunglasses. But Squidward sees a wall and crashes. It shows a crash dummy although instead of the head it shows Squidward's! A driver with boat smarts adjusts his/her mirrors before driving, while the other does it while driving.

Then you see Mrs. Puff in Squidward's boat mobile talking about paying attention to the surroundings. Squidward drives well. She explains how Squidward's eyes are locked on the road. Then SpongeBob swerving while eating a Krabby Patty and reading. He also shaves and is blinded by the white froth, thus making people crash. When some fish crashes SpongeBob says: "Hi there!" and turns around making even more people crash. Eventually there is a huge stockpile of cars and the owners are very angry. SpongeBob still speeds past, runs over a puddle and slides around saying: "Wheeeeeee!". SpongeBob then says hi to Mrs. Puff and SpongeBob's boat mobile slips on a mini pebble, strangely making his boat mobile act as a ramp in which Squidward's boat mobile travel over. They fly into the big stockpile of all the cars (The fish run away) and it makes a huge crash. Mrs. Puff blows up very fat and SpongeBob drives past saying: "Looks like you guys forgot your Boat Smarts!", he smiles and drives off, making dust and the low quality recorder stops with Mrs. Puff saying: "Never-mind".

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Season 5, Episode 4 : Spy Buddies

The episode begins with a shadow figure that looks like Plankton, who opened a safe that has the Krabby Patty formula. SpongeBob turned the light switch on, and revealed it was Mr. Krabs checking the secret recipe on the count of Plankton did not try to steal the the recipe in a month. Squidward had just entered the office said, "Hello", and when Mr. Krabs asked one of his employees will have extra work, Squidward left the room saying "Good Bye", leaving SpongeBob to do the work as being a spy to follow Plankton to see what he's up to (in this scene, SpongeBob makes a parody of the gunbarrel sequence, from Patrick's straw). Then Patrick hollered that he also wanted to become a spy. Mr. Krabs gave them a Patty that will tell them that their assignment is to follow Plankton to see what his plans are. If they don't get gadgets and if he doesn't take it, they's fired.

SpongeBob and Patrick go to Sandy's tree dome to ask her about spying, and Sandy shows them spy equipment. SpongeBob was excited to use the equipment, but Sandy refused to let them use any of them, as she felt they were just mess it up. They proceeded to take the equipment anyway.

They started following Plankton , then SpongeBob talked to Mr. Krabs about the activities he's been doing. Later that night, SpongeBob and Patrick are on the roof top of the Chum Bucket trying to get inside by using the laser pants to make a hole for them. Plankton thought that they came in late at night to eat when Mr. Krabs wasn't around. Patrick tells SpongeBob that he can't hold it in any longer when Plankton came back to give them their meal and Patrick let out a big one which destroyed the Chum Bucket.

Angry, Plankton sends a giant blimp to the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs thought that night had came early, but Squidward points to Plankton's blimp. When Mr. Krabs tells everyone to get into their positions, Squidward runs into the men's bathroom. Plankton pushes a button that starts playing annoying music that makes the customers leave. Mr. Krabs says that if he wants his customers, he can have them. He sucked them into a giant cannon, and shot at the blimp using the customers and, unfortunately, Squidward. Unluckily, the attempt failed, as the customers always bounced off the blimp. SpongeBob tells Patrick that is all up to them to save the Krusty Krab, but Patrick jumps off the blimp and accidentally lands in the cannon, which fires him right at the blimp, causing it to pop. The restaurant blows up as well.

Plankton laughs and says that he always wins, but SpongeBob tells him that he always loses. Plankton say that he always wins and that it was Mr. Krabs in disguise. The other Mr. Krabs was a actually a robot controlled by Plankton. Mr. Krabs and Plankton did a bet that if Mr. Krabs disguised himself as Plankton so he can steal the Krabby Patty formula better than him and if the Chum Bucket gets destroyed, Plankton would pay him a dollar. Patrick yells at them and rips his skin off showing that he is Squidward. SpongeBob asks that if he's Squidward, than who is the other guy? Just as SpongeBob tries to pull off the other guy's mask, he was trying to tell him that he wasn't wearing a disguise, and that he was the real Squidward. He takes his ripped face back, they then continue to take off disguises, and Sandy shows up and says that it's the wrong disguise, then SpongeBob appears. SpongeBob takes of his disguise and Patrick appears. Then both of them return to their real selves, then SpongeBob tells Mr. Krabs that he is confused that there are two Patricks, and they both started laughing.

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Season 5, Episode 3 : Friend or Foe

Patchy becomes the fry cook at The Poop Deck, a local sea food/burger restaurant. He becomes upset, however, after Polly is appointed the Assistant Manager. Meanwhile, Mr. Krabs, Plankton, and Karen tell the story of Krabs and Plankton's former friendship.

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Season 5, Episode 2 : Best Frenemies

The episode starts as a normal day at the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs sees everyone is drinking a thing in a bottle, including SpongeBob. He tells Mr. Krabs about the drink called the "Kelpshake". So Mr. Krabs starts worrying about his restaurant and goes to see what Plankton has done this time. He doesn't know Plankton isn't behind this. Plankton tells Mr. Krabs he has no idea what is going on because he was relaxing in a beach chair. Then the two try to steal a Kelpshake and discover what it is made of. They go to a Kelpshake stand and try to get Plankton to find out, and all attempts failed. That night they both try to enter but an alarm wakes up a guard worm who attacks them. The next day Mr. Krabs reluctantly buys a Kelpshake and go to the Chum Bucket to analyze what is made of. Karen starts analyzing, but Plankton gets impatient and interrupts the progress of the analyzer. They find out that the drink is made of, simply, Kelp Juice. The two drink the shake and find it to be delicious, but they ignore Karen who says that there is another ingredient. Then they go out and see that all Kelpshake restaurants are closed because their shakes contained a toxic ingredient. 2 Decontaminants revealed that it will take decades to get rid of the unhealthy toxic waste and they're sorry for whoever drank the stuff. Then Mr. Krabs and Plankton grow kelp all over their body. So Mr. Krabs gives Plankton a Krabby Patty and then chases him.

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Season 5, Episode 2 : Born To Be Wild

SpongeBob is jellyfishing. Some men on motorcycles drive past him, and SpongeBob holds on to one of the men's jackets, ripping a 'W' off of the jacket. He looks at the jacket when he has to let go of it. He presumes it says 'The ild Ones', but he soon notices the 'W' in his hand and figures out that they are called 'The Wild Ones'. After someone tells him about the Wild Ones, SpongeBob runs to tell Mr. Krabs (actually, SpongeBob "takes the shortcut, which is a piggyback ride on a bubble). He does not listen, so he tells Patrick. Mr Krabs puts up a banner saying 'WELCOME WILD ONES!' on the Krusty Krab and raises his prices in order to get them to eat there after hearing SpongeBob escribes them as "ravenous". After Patrick says that if they dressed up like bikers, they would be the big scary bikers, SpongeBob and Patrick decide to dress in biker attire and ride into town on a paddle-unicycle and a paddle-tricycle, respectively. After the bikers arrive at The Krusty Krab, it turns out that they are old folk. The actual name of the biker gang is 'The Mild Ones'. SpongeBob had the 'M' upside-down. The biker that had the "M" ripped off of his jacket gets his "M" back from SpongeBob, and The Mild Ones ride away. Shortly after this, it is revealed that Squidward decided to go with them.

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